While you may not be able to solve the biggest stressors in your life, you can do something about many of the smaller stressors that “nickel and dime you to death.” Here are some proven stress reducers you can implement in daily life to help: Get up 15 minutes earlier each morning. That gives you […]
Read MoreDr. Laura I got this letter years ago from a friend, and had to post it here. However, given recent events in the news about Indiana and other states passing “religious freedom laws,” I think it takes on more meaning. For those who don’t know who Dr. Laura was, she dispensed advice in books, a […]
Read MoreTraditional Behavioral Couples Therapy (TBCT) is based on a few basic ideas: Simply talking about how you feel and think about problems is not very helpful; rather, doing something about them is what helps. TBCT focuses on changing behavior through communication and problem-solving; you negotiate changes and agree to implement them. Studies have shown that […]
Read MoreSome History Of Learning Disabilities The first written account of a learning disability was in 1896. The case was that of a 14 yr old boy “bright and intelligent… quick at games and in no way inferior to others of his age [except for] his inability to learn to read” The phrase “learning disability” was […]
Read MoreMarriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy. Gary Busey What Do We Know About Infidelity? Some stats on infidelity: In the clinical population, 25-30% of couples come to therapy in the aftermath of an affair, and an additional 30% report during therapy that there has been an affair, so roughly 1 […]
Read Morefrom The history of couple therapy: A millennial review. Family Process, 41, 199-260. (2002). Gurman and Fraenkel point out that relational therapy (formerly marital or couples therapy) has been largely neglected as its own specialty, even though family therapists do almost twice as much work with couples as work with multigenerational families. Sometimes it is […]
Read Morereview of a book by Judith Rich Harris In a very interesting book, Ms. Harris presents considerable psychological and anthropological data to reexamine the “Nurture Assumption,” or the belief that nurturing your children will lead to happy well-adjusted children, and that if your children grow up otherwise then logically you didn’t nurture them. Her explanations […]
Read MoreJohn Gottman has been conducting marital therapy research for almost 30 years, and is a well-respected leader in the field. Based on this research and clinical testing of the theory, he and his wife Julie Schwartz-Gottman have developed a solid understanding of why some relationships last and why some do not, as well as an […]
Read MoreIntroduction “Gender Issues” has been a difficult area for couples therapy. In 1988 the AAMFT required that accredited programs had to include gender issues in their curriculum. “Feminism” is initially what this meant, as women argued that traditional couples therapy maintained the sexist status quo, both by blaming women for violence and by maintaining therapeutic […]
Read MoreGay and lesbian couples make up 1 million of the 11 million couples living together in the 2000 census. Studies indicate 40-60% of gay men and 45-80% of lesbians are coupled at any given time, and the Census data doesn’t count the couples not living together, so the number of gay and lesbian couples is […]
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