Gender Issues in Couples Therapy

Introduction“Gender Issues” has been a difficult area for couples therapy. In 1988 the AAMFT required that accredited programs had to ...

Issues for Same-Sex Couples

Gay and lesbian couples make up 1 million of the 11 million couples living together in the 2000 census. Studies indicate 40-60% of gay men and 45-80% ...

Lost Boys

Why our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them by James Garbarino, Ph.D. — Book Review by Richard Niolon Ph.D. James Garbarino, Ph.D. is ...

I’m Not Crazy About eCollege Either: So Now What?

In “ReWork,” Fried and Hansson (2010) advocate an active approach to shaping your work environment, suggesting you “scratch your ...

Families and Substance Abuse

This was a presentation to social workers based upon requests to know more about substance abuse and dysfunctional families. So How Does Substance ...

Research in Family Therapy

I think of family therapy models as being on a continuum from “theory based” to “research based.” Of course, most models fall ...

Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples

Review of Susan Johnson and Leslie Greenberg’s Approach to Couples Therapy Notes from my Couples Therapy Class To hear you say my name, to see ...

Dysfunctional Families

What do we know about parents from maltreating families? They are often socially isolated, and have little emotional and financial support. ...


Following is a list of defenses and some information about them. The list is not exhaustive, but covers the big ones. Displacement One way to avoid ...