Prescription Drugs
Below find the brand name(s) of the drug, alternate name(s), the primary purpose for the drug, and then some general comments about the drug.

Anafranil or clomipramine
For obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, panic attacks.

Artane or trihexyphenidyl
Treatment of Parkinsonism symptoms (tremor, rigidity, extreme restlessness, spastic contractions, and involuntary movements) as well as in the prevention or control of extrapyramidal disorders

Ativan or lorazepam
Benzodiazepine for short-term relief of excessive anxiety (not associated with everyday life). Also useful as an initial anticonvulsant medication

Aventyl or nortriptyline
Tricyclic for depression. Endogenous depressions are more likely to be alleviated than are other depressive states

Benadryl or diphenhydramine
Quieting emotionally disturbed children and adults

Buspar or buspirone
Buspirone provides short-term symptomatic relief of excessive anxiety in generalized anxiety disorder

Catapres or clonidine

Celexa or citalopram

Centrax or prazepam

Cibalith-S or lithium citrate
Mood Stabilizer

Cylert or Pemoline
Part of a total treatment program for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This CNS stimulant although structurally different is similar to other stimulants. The exact mechanism and site of action of the drug in man is not known. Peak serum levels after single doses occur within 2 to 4 hours and the serum half-life is approximately 12 hours. In adults steady state is reached in approximately 2 to 3 days. There is some risk for liver damage

Cytomel or liothyronine
Potentiates antidepressants

Dalmane or flurazepam

Depakene or valproic acid or divalproex
Mood Stabilizer
Also for simple and complex absence seizures (epileptic)

Desoxyn or methamphetamine

Desyrel or trazodone
Trazodone is a psychoactive compound with sedative and anti-depressant properties. Its mechanism of action in humans is not clear

Dexedrine or dextroamphetamine

Dilantin or Phenytoin
For the control of seizures

Felbatol or felbamate
Mood Stabilizer

Fluanxol or flupenthixol

Haldol or haloperidol

Imap or fluspirilene

Inderal or propranolol

Kemadrin or procyclidine

Klonopin or clonazepam
Antianxiety agent. Can be used for petit mal, akinetic, and myoclonic seizures, absense seizures

Librium or chlordiazepoxide
For anxiety, also for withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism

Lithium or Eskalith or carbonate
Mood Stabilizer
For acute manic episodes in patients with bipolar affective disorders. Maintenance therapy has been found useful in preventing or diminishing the frequency of subsequent relapses in bipolar manic-depressive patients (with a history of mania). Requires careful monitoring as elevated levels can cause kidney damage and even death

Loxitane or loxapine

Ludiomil or maprotoline
Tricyclic antidepressants for endogenous depressive illness including the depressed phase of manic-depressive illness, psychotic depression, and melancholia. May help selected patients suffering severe depressive neurosis. Also exerts a sedative effect for anxiety

Luvox or fluvoxamine
For the symptomatic relief of depressive illness. Long-term use (more than 5 to 6 weeks) has not been evaluated. Also shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Manerixor (Canad) or moclobemide
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor, contraindicated in an acute confusional state

Marplan or isocarboxazid

Mellaril or Thioridazine
Multipurpose Drug. Uses include: anxiety and depression, agitation and confusional states, emotional disturbances, psychosomatic disorders, sleep disturbances, difficulties with concentration, aggressiveness, intractable pain. Particularly useful: in chronic hospitalized psychotic patients, in psychotic outpatients, in geriatric patients suffering from severe agitation anxiety or depression associated with organic brain syndrome, during alcohol withdrawal

Miltown or meprobamate
Antianxiety agent

Moban or molindone

Mysoline or Primidone

Nardil or phenelzine
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor for treatment of atypical, nonendogenous, or neurotic depressed patients. They may show mixed anxiety phobic or hypochondriacal features. Less conclusive evidence of usefulness for severely depressed patients

Navane or thiothixene
Useful in the management of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Some patients resistant to medications respond favorably. May help withdrawn and apathetic schizophrenic patients. Not recommended for the treatment of nonpsychotic mental and emotional disorders.

Norpramin or desipramine

Nozinan or Methotrimeprazine
Multipurpose drug. Acute and chronic schizophrenias, manic-depressive syndromes, autonomic disturbances, personality and emotional troubles secondary to physical conditions, in pain due to cancer or phantom limb pains, general anesthesia, as a sedative

Orap or pimozide
Management of chronic schizophrenia that does not include excitement, agitation or hyperactivity. Has relatively little sedative action and is not indicated for mania or acute schizophrenia.

Pamelor or nortriptyline

Parnate or tranylcypromine
A MAO inhibitor for symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe depression. May be used to treat psychotic depressive states such as: depressive phases of manic-depressive psychosis, involutional melancholia, reactive depressions and psychoneurotic depressions of moderate to severe intensity

Paxil or paroxetine
Potent serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for symptomatic relief of depressive illness. Treatment in patients with moderate to moderately severe depressive disorder is effective for at least 6 months

Periactin or cyproheptadine

Piportil or Pipotiazine Palmitate
The maintenance treatment of chronic non-agitated schizophrenic patients.

Placidyl or ethchlorvynol

Prolixin or Modecate or Permitil or Fluphenazine Decanoate
Long-acting anti-psychotic. Effect generally in 24 to 72 hours after injection with significant effects within 48 to 96 hours. Amelioration of symptoms continues for 1 to 8 weeks with an average duration of 3 to 4 weeks

Prozac or fluoxetine
Antidepressant, also for OCD

Remeron or mirtazapine

Risperdal or risperidone

Ritalin or methylphenidate
For Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a mild CNS stimulant. Rapidly absorbed from tablets, however owing to extensive first-pass metabolism, bioavailability is low (approx. 30%) and large individual differences exist (11 to 52%). 78 to 97% of the dose is excreted within 48 to 96 hours. Indicated as an integral part of a total treatment program, is not indicated for all children with this syndrome. Should not be used in children under 6 years of age since safety and efficacy have not been established, suppression of growth (i.e. weight gain and/or height) has been reported with the long-term use of stimulants in children. Therefore monitoring and Drug Holidays are recommended, may lower the convulsive threshold for seizures and should be discontinued if seizures occur

Rivotril or clonazepam
Mood Stabilizer

Serax or oxazepam

Serentil or Mesoridazine
Treatment of acute and chronic schizophrenia, organic brain syndrome and mental retardation associated with psychotic symptoms, treatment of some patients with alcohol withdrawal

Seroquel or Quetiapine
For management of schizophrenia. Long term use (more than 6 weeks) has not been evaluated

Serzone or nefazodone
New Antidepressant: Symptomatic relief of depression. Long-term (more than 6 to 8 weeks) effectiveness is unknown

Stelazine or trifluoperazine

Surmontil or trimipramine

Synthroid or levothyroxine
Mood Stabilizer

Tegretol or carbamazepine
Mood Stabilizer

Thorazine or chlorpromazine
Antipsychotic as well as tricyclic antidepressant and antiobsessional drug with mild sedative effect which may help alleviate anxiety associated with depression.

Tofranil or imipramine
Depression - also for childhood enuresis

Tranxene or clorazepate

Trilafon Etrafon or perphenazine
For management of psychotic disorders and severe nausea and vomiting in adults. Has not been shown effective for behavioral complications of mental retardation

Urecholine or bethanechol

Valium or diazepam
Anti-anxiety agent - also for acute alcohol withdrawal, skeletal muscle spasm, convulsive disorders

Valproate or Depakote/Depakene
Mood Stabilizer

Vestra or reboxetine

Triptil Vivactil or Protriptyline
All types of mental depression. Suitable for apathetic withdrawn depressed patients. Schizophrenics may have aggravation of some aspects of their psychosis. A tranquilizer given concurrently will usually provide sufficient control

Zarontin or Ethosuximide
The control of absence (petit mal) epilepsy. Blood dyscrasias (some with fatal outcome) have been associated use of ethosuximide, periodic blood counts should be performed

Zoloft or sertraline

Zyban or Wellbutrin or bupropion
Antidepressant unrelated to tricyclic, tetracyclic, or other known antidepressant agents.

Zyprexa or Olanzapine
Indicated for acute and maintenance treatment of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders. Found to improve both positive and negative symptoms. Effective in maintaining clinical improvement during one year of therapy.