A common reason for evaluation is to assess a client's ability to work and readiness for vocational training. When assessing a client's vocational skills, keep the following in mind.

Basic Concerns

  • Energy level
    low/adequate/healthy/impressive energy level, excessive energy, appears driven
  • Motor skills and Physical Health
    poor/minimal/adequate/good coordination and dexterity, unable/able to stand or sit for long periods, unable/able to lift 5/10/20/50 pounds
  • Appearance and Hygiene
    minimal/acceptable/good hygiene, disheveled/appropriate/meticulous appearance, dressed inappropriately/questionably/adequately for weather and workplace

Cognitive Concerns

  • Concentration
    poor/sufficient/good attention, poor/sufficient/good frustration tolerance, not/easily distracted, not/able to focus and maintain attention
  • Memory and Decision-Making
    unable to recall simple steps, indecisive when faced with choices, needs constant supervision or coaching, needs periodic reinforcement, able to follow simple or multi-step directions, able to recall basic instructions to work independently, able to sequence steps to follow a procedure
  • Mistakes
    poorly/adequately/very attentive to details and quality in work, poor/adequate/good inspection skills, limited/average/good ability to correct behaviors with feedback

Orientation to the Workplace Concerns

  • Motivation to Work
    refuses to work, apathetic toward work, can/can not work at tasks that are monotonous or tedious, minimally/adequately/well motivated/eager to work
  • Productivity and Pacing
    minimal production/below expected/average/above average productivity levels, able to improve with feedback and repetition, able to compete in the work place, difficulty adhering to a schedule, able to maintain a steady work pace, adequate stamina to complete tasks, motivated to complete what s/he starts, works in a time-conscious manner
  • Attendance and Conscientiousness
    unreliable/sporadic/frequently tardy attendance, needs help to attend on time, able to travel to work independently, needs flexible schedule, psychological problems compromise regularity and consistency, irresponsible/motivated to do well in a work environment, wastes/cares for work supplies

Interpersonal Concerns

  • Communication
    minimal communication skills, misunderstands basic directions, is misunderstood by others, can communicate in appropriate ways/basic needs in work environment, can ask questions and seek information as needed
  • Response to Supervision
    rebels against authority, accepts supervision but will not seek it out, desires and seeks out feedback, open and receptive to suggestions, asks for unnecessary guidance and direction, offended by feedback or suggestions, easily hurt by/becomes defensive/overreacts to constructive criticism
  • Response to Coworkers
    difficulty/average/good ability to work in groups and interact pleasantly with coworkers, shy/friendly/outgoing/immature/dependent/trouble-maker with coworkers, appropriate interactions/manipulative or pushy/seeks inappropriate physical contact/rude and offensive/short-tempered with coworkers
  • Adaptability
    set in his/her ways, great difficulty coping when environment changes, needs time to adjust to changes, some difficulty managing variations in work environment but able to return to work with reinforcement, generally adapts well to work environment, able to tolerate pressures of work, able to make decisions to adjust work habits to situation, able to learn from mistakes, unable to avoid work hazards, able to make decisions about safety in the workplace