Comparison of Paranoid Personality Style and Disorder

Personality Style

Personality Disorder

Self-assured and confident in their ability to make decisions and take care of themselves
Reluctant to confide in others because of unwanted fear that the information will be used against them
Good listeners and observers, keenly aware of subtlety, tone, and multiple levels of meaning
Read hidden meanings or threats into benign remarks or events, for example, suspect that neighbors put out trash early to annoy them
Take criticism rather seriously without becoming intimidated
Bear grudges or are unforgiving of insults or slights
Place a high premium on loyalty and fidelity, working hard to earn and maintain them and never taking them for granted
Question, without justification, the fidelity of spouses or sexual partners, friends, and associates
Careful in dealings with other people, preferring to size up individuals before entering into relationships with them
Expect, without sufficient basis, to be exploited or harmed by others
Are assertive and can defend themselves without losing control and becoming aggressive
Are easily slighted and quick to react with anger or to counterattack

Source: Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM-IV Personality Disorders, by Len Sperry, M.D., Ph.D.

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