Comparison of the Dependent Personality Style and Disorder

Personality Style

Personality Disorder

Seek out the opinions and advice of others when making decisions, but ultimately make their own decisions
Unable to make everyday decisions, seeking an excessive amount of advice or reassurance from others; allow others to make most of their important decisions
Carefully promote harmony with important persons in their life by being polite, agreeable, and tactful
Agree with people when they believe they are wrong, because of fear of being rejected
Although they respect authority and prefer the role of team member, they can initiate and complete tasks on their own
Have difficulty initiating projects or doing things on their own
Thoughtful of and good at pleasing others; occasionally, they will endure personal discomfort in accomplishing a good deed for the key people in their lives
Volunteer to do things that are unpleasant or demeaning in order to get other people to like them
Tend to prefer the company of one or more persons to being alone
Feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone or go to great lengths to avoid being alone
Tend to be strongly committed to relationships and work hard to sustain them
Feel devastated or helpless when close relationships end, and frequently are preoccupied with fears of being abandoned
Can take corrective action in response to criticism
Easily hurt by criticism or disapproval

Source: Handbook of Diagnosis and Treatment of DSM-IV Personality Disorders, by Len Sperry, M.D., Ph.D.